Hafiz Ismi

Thursday, April 22, 2010

The Beginning of New Obsession

At Last!!
1 Blog diatas nama "Aku.Blog.Kamu" telah dilahirkan..
Give a clap!!(Mcm pencapaian besar plak) hehe~

Btw.. Im still new dalam dunia Blogging. Before this asyik blogwalking jek, and tiba2 tfikir why not aku try create 1 Blog utk kepuasan diri sdiri.. diulangi.. kepuasan diri sdiri.. So, a last.. Aku harap dapat spend time utk ber"blogging" at least 1 post a week. Since "kekasihku" jauh diperantauan, maybe boleh achieve kot~ hehe~

Ok.. Thats how the intro~